„For the sake of the environment we rely on recyclable packaging“
It’s time for a rethink, so we are working on the use of alternative, resource-friendly packaging materials which are 100% recyclable.
The entire packaging process offers plenty of potential for optimisation with regard to the use of renewable raw materials. Instead of conventional edge protection made of foam, we use cardboard as an environmentally friendly alternative.
The optimisation of our packaging units and materials is a continuous process. We use fibre-based packaging made of renewable raw materials to gradually reduce the use of plastic foil. Furthermore, we already do without outer cartons.
We are optimising our packaging materials with regard to waste. The idea here is to make our material consumption more transparent. For that reason we are urgently developing a packaging process with a cardboard cutting machine for made-to-measure cardboard packaging. The resulting simplified handling reduces the workload of our employees.
We are aware of the immense environmental pollution caused by polystyrene.
Polystyrene is made from the non-renewable raw material crude oil. Polystyrene waste lasts for hundreds of years, so it is not biologically degradable. German industry alone uses around 730,000 tonnes of polystyrene every year, corresponding to approx. 100,000 unladen HGVs. (Source: Kunststoffabfälle | Umweltbundesamt, 2021).
For that reason we completely forego the use of this material in our production.
We continue to develop constantly.
We plan to source most of our padding from our own production. In future, the offcuts accumulating from our plants will be collected and then mixed in proportionately in padding production. This will enable us to recycle some of our waste and reduce it in the long term. Today we are already making an active contribution to the reduction of production residues.
We are gradually developing towards a resource-friendly production process.
We are working intensively on some future issues.
With SOFAliebt and the three components of sustainability, we aim to achieve a reduction in potential negative environmental effects. We have already laid a fundamental cornerstone for our future activity. We are aiming for consistent improvement and are continuously setting ourselves new targets, because what we do today will decide tomorrow’s future.